Friday, August 6, 2010

Arbit words,,,, deeper meaning...even deeper conviction!!

I guess I have taken a rather long break from my writing responsibilities. Its 8’o clock, am still on my desk at Taipei, gazing at 101 from a distance. I apologize for my random way of putting thoughts onto paper, but there’s so much going through the mind, that I haven’t been able to absorb everything up till now.
As I change the bullet for the next paragraph, thinking where to take this post, whether I should be telling you about my recent business trip to Seoul, Taipei and HK, or should I traverse down the memory lane and pen down the change life has witnessed in a less than a years.
Random thoughts, too many questions, answer to some, follow-up questions to many. Of note, I have developed this habit of extensive reading, reading whatever I can lay my hands on, it may be friction, philosophy, drama or financial statements. Many of my prior convictions about people, things and places are being challenged.
On my flight from Seoul to Taipei, I met this old lady. Very old in age but very young in thoughts. A simple black coffee and the accompanied talk made me realize some of the truths about the life, the purpose of being born, caring for people and being cared in return. I always tried to quantify the duration of life, wheter it was too short or too long. I guess, it’s a trivial quantification. Life being too short, because time just flies, but just too long, that you forget most of it by the time you get old.

Pretty recently, (about a year back though!!), I have a break-up with my girlfriend. How does it fit in here? Well, the entire years we guys were together flew like anything, however when I try to recall my day I broke –up, my last words to her, I just can’t remember. It all feels being happened so long ago. All I can manage to recall is that I have been single for quite some time now, yet somewhat afraid to mingle again, but happy being all for myself. No bed time calls, no morning alarms, no mid day follow-ups, but it all seems so fine. I guess I have become addicted to my work, my life and myself.
I have been missing out on many a things of late. I haven’t been to any social networking site for over a month, I haven’t switched on my fone for last 1 week, but I cant express how happy I am, living it this way.

Many random thoughts, answer to some, questions to many.


Sunday, November 22, 2009


God , to many, is someone, some supernatural power who is worshipped , for being the controller of human life. But when I think about the people worshipping God in form of an idol, I just don’t feel anything. The belief of some supernatural power residing in an idol doesn’t evoke any thought in me. The repeated visits to the temples, during my childhood, being escorted with parents have made me think over and over again. Why do people need to worship God? Do they worship him thinking the failure to do so, would make him angry and he would in return harm them. God doesn’t harm anyone. He created all of us. Have you heard of a mother trying to harm her child?

If at all God exists, he exists in each one of us. Then why do people have to travel thousands for miles for worshipping an idol? God doesn’t reside in an idol, he is everywhere. In air, water, flowers, animals and humans. Every creation of God is divine. Then don’t you think best way to worship God would be worshiping his creations. Many of us have being privileged to be born and brought up in stable and comfortable environment. But many of us haven’t been.